After Hours Clinic
After Hours clinics are available various days (call for availability) (excluding Statutory Holidays). These are booked same day, in order of caller for specified appointment times. These are for enrolled patients in need of urgent care due to sudden onset of symptoms. It is not for ongoing symptoms or chronic conditions. Due to the size of our practices we are not able to accommodate scheduled appointments during these times and as such this is not a clinic of convenience around work hours. It is expected that you call your own physician for an appointment before seeking care from the After Hours Clinic. These clinics are monitored for appropriate usage.
Outside Use
Joining a rostered practice comes with certain obligations. These are outlined on the back of the Patient Enrolment and Consent to Release Personal Health Information form that you are asked to sign. The first line reads that “I agree to contact my family doctor when I, or my enrolled child(ren) or dependent adult(s), need primary care medical advice or treatment. I promise to do this unless there is an emergency or I am travelling away from home.” Please try to refrain from using walk in clinics unless absolutely necessary. If you are going to be using them regularly, or if you are a student who may be using medical services at your school, then please advise the office so that we can change you from a rostered to a de-rostered fee-for-service status. Continued wilful seeking of care outside the practice without justification or communication may result in termination from the practice and will be dealt with on an individual basis.